2023 Quarterly Report 1

This quarterly report brings you updates about the CP 2023 conference, the ACP Summer School in July as well as the Call for Awards, including the Research Excellence award, the Early Career Researcher award and the Doctoral Research award!

ACP.1: CP 2023 in Toronto

The deadline to the call for papers for the annual CP conference, 2023 edition, is approaching fast:

  • Abstract submission deadline: 27th April (AoE)
  • Full paper submission dealdine: 2nd May (AoE)

There is one main technical track, and 4 specialised tracks: Applications, CP and Machine Learning, CP and Operations Research and Trustworthy Decision-Making.

Information on potential calls for workshops/tutorials and registration information will be posted later on https://cp2023.a4cp.org/

CP23 will take place in Toronto, Canada from 27-31 August. The conference chair is Andre Augusto Cire and the program chair is Roland Yap. The chairs are looking forward to receive high quality papers on the latest advances related to constraint programming!

ACP.2: ACP Summer School in Leuven

The ACP Summer School has the theme "Machine Learning for Constraint Programming" and will be hosted in Leuven, Belgium from 10 July to 14 July.

The program includes seminars and hands-on lab sessions from key researchers in the field. See the program and more information at: https://school.a4cp.org/summer2023/

Registration is now open, with the following options:

  • Regular registration (without accomodation): 450 euro
  • PhD student (with shared accommodation included): € 430 (available until 1 June 2023)
  • PhD student (without accommodation): € 250

Tias Guns and his team are looking forward to welcome all interested researchers for a week of learning and exchanging.

ACP.3: ACP Call for Awards

With the introduction of the "Early Career Researcher award" at the excellent suggestion, and with seed funding, from Eugene Freuder in 2021, we now have no less then 3 award calls open.

Each award includes a certificate, a free CP conference registration and an invitation to present their work at the CP 2023 conference. Each award is aimed at a different seniority of researchers:

Senior researchers: the Research Excellence award

Nomination form: https://forms.gle/U6zgjmP4oYaF25m27

Early Career researchers (2-8 years post-PhD): the Early Career Researcher award

Nomination form: https://forms.gle/DNJzF6BE1rZFFL9N9

Recently graduated PhDs (up to 2 full years): the Doctoral Research award

Nomination form: https://forms.gle/QNNbaZ9umFTvkeVKA

And for each award, a community member must nominate another community member, self-nominations are not possible. The nominator also has to ensure additional supporting reference letters are submitted. So start thinking about who you think deserves an award at the next CP conference!

ACP.4: Call for bids for CP 2025

The ACP Executive Committee (EC) holds the annual International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (CP). Since the ACP plans CP conferences two years in advance, we now solicit bids for CP 2025. If you are interested in organising a future CP conference, then you need to make a proposal to the Conference Coordinator of the EC (conf-coordinator@a4cp.org) by the 1st of June 2023.

More information was sent to all ACP members, also available at: https://www.a4cp.org/node/1427

New MOOC on Constraint Programming

The ACP had no role in this, but we are happy to promote that Pierre Schaus, Laurent Michel and Pascal Van Hentenryck have developed a new MOOC on Constraint Programming and MiniCP.

A session already started, but enrollments are still possible: https://www.edx.org/learn/computer-programming/universite-catholique-de-louvain-constraint-programming
