Paper Awards
CP 2023
- Best Paper: Mathew J. McIlree and Ciaran McCreesh. Proof Logging for Smart Extensional Constraints
- Best Application Paper: Matthias Klapperstueck, Frits De Nijs, Ilankaikone Senthooran, Jack Lee-Kopij, Maria Garcia De La Banda and Michael Wybrow. Exploring Hydrogen Supply/Demand Networks: Modeller and Domain Expert views
CP 2022
- Best Paper: Isaac Rudich, Quentin Cappart and Louis-Martin Rousseau. Peel-and-Bound: Generating Stronger Relaxed Bounds with Multivalued Decision Diagrams
- Best Student Paper: Jimmy H. M. Lee and Allen Z. Zhong. Exploiting Functional Constraints in Generating Dominance Breaking Nogoods for Constraint Optimization
CP 2021
- Best Paper: Chu-Min Li, Zhenxing Xu, Jordi Coll, Felip Manya, Djamal Habet, and Kun He. Combining Clause Learning and Branch and Bound for MaxSAT.
CP 2020
- Best Technical Track Paper: Tomáš Peitl and Stefan Szeider. Finding the Hardest Formulas for Resolution.
- Best Application Track Paper: Rodothea Myrsini Tsoupidi, Roberto Castañeda Lozano, and Benoit Baudry. Constraint-Based Software Diversification for Efficient Mitigation of Code-Reuse Attacks.
- Best CP/ML Track Paper: Jinqiang Yu, Alexey Ignatiev, Peter Stuckey, and Pierre Le Bodic. Computing Optimal Decision Sets with SAT.
CP 2019
- Best Paper: Alex Mattenet, Ian Davidson, Siegfried Nijssen, and Pierre Schaus. Generic Constraint-based Block Modeling using Constraint Programming.
- Best Student Paper: Rocsildes Canoy and Tias Guns. Vehicle Routing by Learning from Historical Solutions.
- Distinguished Student Paper: Mohd Hafiz Hasan and Pascal van Hentenryck. The Flexible and Real-Time Commute Trip Sharing Problems.
CP 2018
- Best Paper: Emmanuel Hebrard and George Katsirelos. Clause Learning and New Bounds for Graph Coloring.
CP 2017
- Best Paper: Grigori German, Olivier Briant, Hadrien Cambazard, and Vincent Jost. Arc Consistency via Linear Programming.
- Distinguished Paper: Fahiem Bacchus, Antti Hyttinen, Matti Järvisalo, and Paul Saikko. Reduced Cost Fixing in MaxSAT.
- Best Student Paper: Adrian Goldwaser and Andreas Schutt. Optimal Torpedo Scheduling.
- Distinguished Student Paper: Guillaume Derval, Jean-Charles Regin, and Pierre Schaus. Improved Filtering for the Bin-Packing with Cardinality Constraint.
CP 2016
- Best Paper: Krishnamurthy Dvijotham, Michael Chertkov, Pascal van Hentenryck, Marc Vuffray and Sidhant Misra. Graphical Models for Optimal Power Flow.
- Distinguished Paper: David Manlove, Iain McBride, and James Trimble. Almost-Stable Matchings in the Hospitals/Residents Problem with Couples.
- Best Student Paper: Clément Carbonnel. The Dichotomy for Conservative Constraint Satisfaction Is Polynomially Decidable.
- Distinguished Student Paper: Kyle E.C. Booth, Goldie Nejat, and J. Christopher Beck. A Constraint Programming Approach to Multi-Robot Task Allocation and Scheduling in Retirement Homes.
CP 2015
- Best Technical Track Paper: John N. Hooker. Projection, Consistency, and George Boole.
- Best Application Track Paper: Philip Kilby and Tommaso Urli. Fleet Design Optimisation from Historical Data using Constraint Programming and Large Neighbourhood Search.
- Best Student Paper: Alexander Ivrii, Sharad Malik, Kuldeep S. Meel, and Moshe Vardi. On Computing Minimal Independent Support and Its Applications to Sampling and Counting.
CP 2014
- Best Technical Track Paper: Martin Cooper, Achref El Mouelhi, Cyril Terrioux, and Bruno Zanuttini. On Broken Triangles.
- Best Application Track Paper: Morten Mossige, Arnaud Gotlieb, and Hein Meling. Using CP in Automatic Test Generation for ABB Robotics’ Paint Control System.
- Best Student Paper: Umut Oztok and Adnan Darwiche. On Compiling CNF into Decision-DNNF.
- Runner-Up: Thi-Van-Anh Nguyen and Arnaud Lallouet. A Complete Solver for Constraint Games.
CP 2013
- Best Technical Track Paper: Thierry Moisan, Jonathan Gaudreault, and Claude-Guy Quimper. Parallel Discrepancy-Based Search.
- Best Application Track Paper: Hadrien Cambazard, Deepak Mehta, Barry O’Sullivan, and Helmut Simonis. Bin Packing with Linear Usage Costs – An Application to Energy Management in Data Centres.
- Best Student Paper: Jean-Guillaume Fages and Tanguy Lapègue. Filtering AtMostNValue with Difference Constraints: Application to the Shift Minimisation Personnel Task Scheduling Problem.
CP 2012
- Best Main Track Paper: Geoffrey Chu and Peter Stuckey. A Generic Method for Identifying and Exploiting Dominance Relations.
- Best Application Track Paper: Gilles Simonin, Christian Artigues, Emmanuel Hebrard, and Pierre Lopez. Scheduling Scientific Experiments on the Rosetta/Philae Mission.
- Honorable Mentions:
- Mohamed Siala, Emmanuel Hebrard, and Marie-José Huguet. An Optimal Arc Consistency Algorithm for a Chain of Atmost Constraints with Cardinality.
- Hannes Uppman. Max-Sur-CSP on Two Elements.
CP 2011
- Best Research Track Paper: Georg Gottlob. On Minimal Constraint Networks.
- Best Application Track Paper: Venkatesh Ramamoorthy, Marius Silaghi, Toshihiro Matsui, Katsutoshi Hirayama, and
Makoto Yokoo. The Design of Cryptographic Substitution Boxes Using CSPs.
- Runner-Up: Andreas Schutt, Peter J. Stuckey, and Andrew R. Verden. Optimal Carpet Cutting.
- Best Student Paper: Marie Pelleau, Charlotte Truchet, and Frédéric Benhamou. Octagonal Domains for Continuous Constraints.
CP 2010
- Best Research Track Paper: Ross Willard. Testing Expressibility Is Hard.
- Best Application Track Paper: Sigal Asaf, Haggai Eran, Yossi Richter, Daniel P. Connors, Donna L. Gresh, Julio Ortega, and Michael J. Mcinnis. Applying Constraint Programming to Identification and Assignment of Service Professionals.
- Best Student Paper: Stefano Ermon, Carla Gomes, and Bart Selman. Computing the Density of States of Boolean Formulas.
CP 2009
- Best Research Track Paper: Petr Vilı́m. Edge Finding Filtering Algorithm for Discrete Cumulative Resources in
O(kn log n).
Runners-Up:- Konstantin Korovin, Nestan Tsiskaridze, and Andrei Voronkov. Conflict Resolution.
- Christophe Lecoutre and Olivier Roussel. Failed Value Consistencies for Constraint Satisfaction.
- Knot Pipatsrisawat and Adnan Darwiche. On the Power of Clause-Learning SAT Solvers with Restarts.
- Best Application Track Paper: Helmut Simonis. A Hybrid Constraint Model for the Routing and Wavelength Assignment Problem.
- Best Student Paper: Knot Pipatsrisawat and Adnan Darwiche. On the Power of Clause-Learning SAT Solvers with Restarts.
- Runner-Up: Geoffrey Chu, Peter Stuckey, and Maria Garcia de la Banda. Using Relaxations in Maximum Density Still Life.
CP 2008
- Best Research Track Paper: Alexandre Goldsztejn and Laurent Granvilliers. A New Framework for Sharp and Efficient Resolution of NCSP with Manifolds of Solutions.
- Best Application Track Paper: Arnaldo Moura, Cid de Souza, André Cirè, and Tony Lopes. Planning and Scheduling the Operation of a Very Large Oil Pipeline Network.
- Best Student Paper: Jean-Marie Normand, Alexandre Goldsztejn, Marc Christia, and Frédéric Benhamou. A Branch and Bound Algorithm for Numerical MAX-CSP.
CP 2007
- Best Paper: Alessandro Zanarini and Gilles Pesant. Solution Counting Algorithms for Constraint-Centered Search Heuristics.
- Best Student Paper: Olga Ohrimenko, Peter J. Stuckey, and Michael Codish. Propagation = Lazy Clause Generation.
CP 2006
- Best Paper: Willem-Jan van Hoeve, Gilles Pesant, Louis-Martin Rousseau, and Ashish Sabharwal. Revisiting the Sequence Constraint.
CP 2005
- Best Papers:
- David Cohen, Peter Jeavons, Christopher Jefferson, Karen E. Petrie, and Barbara M. Smith. Symmetry Definitions for Constraint Satisfaction Problems.
- Roie Zivan and Amnon Meisels. Dynamic Ordering for Asynchronous Backtracking on DisCSPs.
CP 2004
- Distinguished Papers:
- Yong Gao and Joseph Culberson. Consistency and Random Constraint Satisfaction Models with a High Constraint Tightness.
- Carla P. Gomes, Cèsar Fernández, Bart Selman, and Christian Bessiere. Statistical Regimes Across Constrainedness Regions.
- Pascal van Hentenryck, Laurent Michel, and Liyuan Liu. Constraint-Based Combinators for Local Search.
- Petr Vilím, Roman Barták, and Ondřej Čepek. Unary Resource Constraint with Optional Activities.
CP 2003
- Best Paper: Pascal van Hentenryck and Laurent Michel. Control Abstractions by Local Search.
CP 2001
- Best Technical Program Papers:
- Andrew Eremin and Mark Wallace. Hybrid Benders Decomposition Algorithms in Constraint Logic Programming.
- Erlendur S. Thorsteinsson. Branch-and-Check: A Hybrid Framework Integrating Mixed Integer Programming and Constraint Logic Programming
- Best Innovative Applications Program Paper: Peter van Beek and Kent Wilken. Fast Optimal Instruction Scheduling for Single-Issue Processors with Arbitrary Latencies
CP 2001 was the first conference to have paper awards.