2017 Quarter 3


This is a short summary of activities within the ACP during the months July-September 2017.

The 2017 ACP Executive Committee (EC) comprises the following people, in alphabetical order:

  • Alan Frisch
  • Maria Garcia de la Banda - Secretary
  • Christophe Lecoutre - Treasurer
  • Laurent Michel - President
  • Nina Narodytska
  • Claude-Guy Quimper - Conference Coordinator
  • Helmut Simonis (ex-officio, non-voting)
  • Charlotte Truchet

The ACP EC welcomes feedback and suggestions from the ACP community. We encourage you to engage with the ACP EC to help design new initiatives that promote constraint programming.

ACP.1: CP 2017

The annual conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming was held in Melbourne, Australia, in parallel with SAT2017 and ICLP2017. CP2017 had close to 100 participants out of a total of 204 for the three conferences. The recent track structure was continued with five thematic tracks in addition to the main technical track and the application track, plus the opportunity to present previously published work in the journal and sister conference track. We thank all the organizers for their substantial efforts on behalf of the CP community, especially conference co-chairs, Guido Tack and Peter Stuckey.

Pictures are available in the CP 2017 Google photo album.

ACP.2: ACP Summer School 2017

The Joint ACP and GdR RO Summer School took place on September 18-22 in Porquerolles, France, and was organized by the constraint programming working group within the CNRS research group "operational research". The speakers at the school included David Coudert, Pierre Flener, Emmanuel Hébrard, Fabien Hermenier, Bertrand Le Cun, Claude Le Pape, Louis-Martin Rousseau, and Pierre Schaus. The school attracted about 65 participants that learned the capabilities and current research directions in the area of Constraint Programming and Operations Research.

ACP.3: ACP Research Excellence Award 2017

This year's ACP Research Excellence Award was presented to Nicolas Beldiceanu during the conference CP 2017 in Melbourne, Australia. The award committee's citation reads "Awarded in recognition of a diverse, sustained, and lasting collection of outstanding scientific contributions to both the theory and practice of constraint programming." We congratulate Nicolas Beldiceanu for this well-deserved award!

A list of previous award winners can be found on the ACP website.

ACP.4: ACP Doctoral Research Award 2017

The 2017 ACP Doctoral Research Award was presented to Clément Carbonnel during the conference CP 2017 in Melbourne, Australia, for his dissertation "Harnessing tractability in constraint satisfaction problems". Clément received his doctoral degree from the National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) in France, 2016, under the supervision of Emmanuel Hébrard and Martin C. Cooper.

A list of previous award winners can be found on the ACP website.
