Executive Committee Decisions 2005

  • Resignations in the ACP EC will be covered by additional positions in the next regular elections.

  • Pedro Meseguer is the new secretary of the ACP EC.

  • The ACP has decided to start a travel grant scheme for CP students or researchers in need to go to CP-related conference.

  • The ACP has established a best student paper award, to be given at each CP conference to the best student paper as chosen by the program committee.

  • A CP summer school will possibly be held every year, alternating introductory material with advanced topics. The next school in summer 2006 will be on an advanced topic.

  • Barry O'Sullivan is the conference coordinator. He will help the organizers of each CP conference in defining the budget structure and in solving the organizational problems.

  • CP 2007:

    • Location: Providence, RI, USA
    • Dates: fall 2007.
    • Conference chairs: Meinolf Sellmann and Laurent Michel
    • Program chair: Christian Bessiere
    • Co-located with ICAPS 2007 (International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling)
  • CP 2005:

    • Location: Sitges (close to Barcelona), Spain
    • Dates: October 2005.
    • Conference chairs: Pedro Meseguer and Javier Larrosa.
    • Program chair: Peter Van Beek.
    • Co-located with ICLP 2005, the International Conference on Logic Programming
  • CP 2006:

    • Location: Nantes, France
    • Dates: autumn 2006.
    • Conference chairs: Frederic Benhamou and Narendra Jussien.
    • Program chair: Frederic Benhamou.
  • Financial agreement between the CP OC and the conference organizers.

  • 2005 CP summer school:

    • Location: south of Italy
    • Dates: September 2005
    • Organizers: K. Apt, M. Milano, F. Rossi.
  • CP web site: www.cp-online.org

  • CP newsletter:

    • Editors: Jimmy Lee, Eric Monfroy, Toby Walsh
    • Published every three months (1st January, 1st April, 1st July, and 1st October).
    • Posted on the CP web site.
  • Policy document for organizing the CP conference.

  • The ACP was legally started in March 2005.
