2003 Election Results

The results of the 2003 elections was announced on September 10, 2003, and the new CP OC will be presented at the CP 2003 conference, which will be held in Kinsale, Ireland on September 29th - October 3rd, 2003. The 6 elected members of the new CP OC are the following CPers: - Krzysztof Apt, - Christian Bessiere, - Jean Francois Puget, - Peter Stuckey, - Mark Wallace, - and Toby Walsh. Congratulations to all of you! According to the rules, the new CP OC consists of such members plus the program and conference chairs of the current and past CP conference. Thus the complete new CP OC includes the following 10 members: - Krzysztof Apt - Christian Bessiere - James Bowen - Carla Gomes - Jean Francois Puget - Francesca Rossi - Peter Stuckey - Pascal Van Hentenryck - Mark Wallace - Toby Walsh The presentation of the new CP OC will be held during the CP 2003 conference (http://www.cs.ucc.ie/cp2003/), from 2:00pm to 2:15pm on Thursday, October 2nd, in Kinsale, Ireland.

Election Details

Number of Voters: 172 Number of Votes: 755
Krzysztof Apt100
Mark Wallace97
Toby Walsh95
Christian Bessiere94
Jean Francois Puget87
Peter Stuckey76
Rina Dechter73
Barbara Smith71
Helmut Simonis62