2010 Quarter 4

This is a short summary of activities within the ACP during the months October-December 2010.

ACP.1. Changes to the ACP Executive Committee

The 2011 Executive Committee comprises the following members (along with their elected terms): o Yves Deville (Elected 2011-2015) o John Hooker (Elected 2008-2012) o Barry O'Sullivan (Elected 2008-2012) o Thomas Schiex (Elected 2011-2015) o Helmut Simonis (Elected 2011-2015) o Peter Stuckey (Elected 2006-2012) o Roland Yap (Elected 2011-2015)

On behalf of the ACP the EC would like to offer its sincerest thanks to the following whose terms on the Executive Committee came to an end at the end of December 2010: o Pedro Meseguer (Elected 2007-2010) o Karen Petrie (Elected 2008-2010)

Both of these members have served the CP community extremely well during their time on the EC, for which we're very grateful.

ACP.2. New ACP Web-site

A new web-site for the Association for Constraint Programming has been launched. It can be found at:


The webmaster is Barry O'Sullivan (4C, UCC). Sincerest thanks go to David Devlin at 4C for his assistance in designing the site. The content from the old site, which is still available, has been ported to the new one. We will also be building a new version of the CPOnline site, which will be integrated with the ACP site, with many easier to use facilities for the community to maintain its content.

ACP.3. Early Notification of Upcoming Calls in 2011

This year there will be three calls issued from the ACP: o Nominations for the 2011 ACP Research Excellence Award o Nominations for the 2011 ACP Doctoral Research Award o Bids to Host the 2013 CP Conference

ACP.4. Preparations for CP 2011 and CP 2012

Preparations for CP 2011 are well underway in Perugia. The Conference Chair this year is Stefano Bistarelli. The Program Chair is Jimmy Lee. The deadline for paper submissions is April 22nd. For full details about the conference please visit http://www.dmi.unipg.it/cp2011/

The CP 2012 conference will be held in Quebec City, Canada. The Conference Chairs for the conference will be Gilles Pesant and Claude-Guy Quimper, with an additional Local Chair in Louis Martin Rouseau. The Program Chair will be announced later this year.

ACP.5. The 2011 ACP Summer School on Constraint Programming

The 2011 Summer School will be organised by Pierre Flener, Justin Pearson, and Christian Schulte in Turunç (Turkey) from Monday 27 June to Friday 1 July 2011. The focus is on hybrid methods.

  • Ian Gent (University of St Andrews, Scotland, UK), on hybridising CP and SAT
  • John Hooker (Carnegie Mellon University, USA), on hybridising CP and MIP
  • Michel Rueher (Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis, France), on hybridising CP and global (numerical) optimisation
  • Pascal Van Hentenryck (Brown University, USA), on hybridising CP and SLS


ACP.6. Sponsorships

The ACP has agreed to provide sponsorship to CPAIOR 2011, which will be held in Berlin [ See http://cpaior2011.zib.de ]
