Volume 10, Number 0, January 2014

Constraint Programming News


Guido Tack, Pedro Meseguer, Pierre Schaus, Roland Yap



This first issue of CP News for 2014 comes with a few changes! First of all, we have a new team assembled – Guido, Pedro, Pierre and Roland will from now on compile the news every quarter.

For this edition, we've reorganised the newsletter into individual articles. Ongoing news categories got their own pages that will receive continuous updates: Events, Career News and Recent Publications.

We are planning to publish more editorial content in the future. For example, this quarter we have an article by Patrick Prosser on some classic papers!


Here are the topics from the Q4 2013 ACP Executive Committee Report, available at http://www.a4cp.org/executive-committee-decisions/2013/12/2013-quarter-4:

  • ACP.1: A summary of the survey that was run after the CP 2013 conference.
  • ACP.2: The ACP EC has established a committee for strategic planning.
  • ACP.3: News on the web server and membership update.
  • ACP.4: We have revised the Conference Organisation Policy, clarifying some sections and bringing it up to date with current (and expected future) practices.
  • ACP.5: The EC has discussed and installed a policy for duty of respect and equal opportunity to be observed during the activities of the ACP.
  • ACP.6: Pierre Flener, the Conference Coordinator has coordinated the update and extension of the existing ACP corporate memory on how to organise CP conferences and ACP summer schools.
  • ACP.7: An update on the ACP summer school 2014.
  • ACP.8: Call for nominations: Distinguished Service Award 2104.
  • ACP.9: Call for nominations: Doctoral Research Award 2014.
  • ACP.10: Upcoming EC elections. Make sure your ACP membership is active – log in to the ACP web site and join or renew!
  • ACP.11: A brief update on CP 2014.


We are very happy to be able to share the first article in this new series on classic Papers with Impact! Patrick Prosser has contributed his view on an IJCAI paper from 1977, as well as a 1989 article from Computational Intelligence. Thanks a lot to Patrick, and we hope you enjoy the read.


New articles in the Constraints journal will from now on be added to our Publications News Ticker. In the last quarter, eight papers have been published, covering topics such as new filtering algorithms and implementation techniques, surveys on MaxSAT solving and concurrent constraint programming, and redundancy in constraint models.


Our career news section will be continuously updated, so that job openings can be posted immediately.

Please help us keep this section up to date and send us your career news!


The new list of Upcoming Events currently lists a summer school, a few conferences, the AIMMS modelling competition, and a call for workshops for CPAIOR.

You can send us your suggestions for events that should be included!