Call for Proposals: CP 2015 Incubator Workshop

Call for Proposals: CP 2015 Incubator Workshop

The 21st International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming

August 31 - September 4, 2015
Cork, Ireland

The Association for Constraint Programming (ACP) invites proposals for a CP 2015 incubator workshop. An incubator workshop should address a promising novel topic, be multi-disciplinary in nature, and have the aim to broaden the application of CP or deepen its methodologies.

Organizers of the selected incubator workshop can request sponsorship from the ACP to strengthen the workshop program, which can for example be used to support external speakers. The ACP will make EUR 1,500 available for this purpose.

Workshop organizers that want to be considered to receive funding as incubator workshop should indicate this in the CP workshop proposal, together with a clear motivation.

Important Dates

April 10: Proposal submission deadline
April 17: Acceptance notification
May 8: Workshop web pages available and linked to the main site. Workshop CFP published.
August 31: CP 2015 Workshops

Submission process

More details on the submission process can be found here:

Please send any questions to the CP 2015 Workshop Chair:
Willem-Jan van Hoeve
