Positions available at Monash University (tenured and postdoc)

The optimization group at Monash University has a long history of important contributions to the science of modelling and optimization. It is the centre of development of the widely used modelling language MiniZinc (www.minizinc.org). It also was responsible for the development of the CP and SAT hybrid solving methodology, lazy clause generation (LCG), which defines the state of the art for many discrete optimization problems.


The optimization group is expanding. We have two tenure-track teaching and research positions currently advertised, see


And one 3-year research fellow position currently advertised, see


While tenure-track candidates are expected to have at least 2 years of post-doctoral research experience, research fellow candidates can apply directly after their PhD.

We are looking for strong candidates with demonstrated research impact in any of the following areas: constraint programming, mixed integer programming, SAT and SAT modulo theories, combinatorial search, modelling languages and program analysis.

There is a growing overlap between the interests of the group and machine learning. If you have a background in machine learning and artificial intelligence with an interest in optimization we encourage you to apply for one of 10 currently advertised tenure-track teaching and research positions at Monash, see


Monash has a strong gender equity focus, as recognised by its Bronze Award under the Athena SWAN Charter, an accreditation program designed to enhance gender equality in STEMM. Women are strongly encouraged to apply to all these positions.

Come and live in Melbourne, the most livable city in the world for the past 7 years and currently the second most livable city in the world after Vienna. Come and work with a dynamic and diverse research group intent on making a real difference in how (discrete) optimization problems are solved.