Postdoc position

A Postdoc position is available at the Chair of Artificial Intelligence, Prof. Jana Koehler (, starting in Spring 2020. The applicant´s research should center around one of the following fields: planning, search algorithms, constraint reasoning, decision and game theory, reinforcement learning.

The position is financed from general funds and thus not bound to a project. The successful candidate is expected to actively pursue an academic career and to define her/his own research agenda in accordance with the topics addressed at the chair of AI and the related research area Algorithmic Business and Production at DFKI (

The contract is initially for 2 years, with options for renewal for up to 6 years. Remuneration is based on standard salary levels in the German academic system, and depends to some degree on experience. The salaries are certainly sufficient to live comfortably in Saarbrücken. Details upon request. More information about the position can be found at (in German) (in English)

If you are interested in this position or need further information, please write to