[ACP members] ACP Summer School 2022: Call for Bids
Bcc: wanzhe.hu@gmail.com, alexander.ek@monash.edu, raphael.boudreault.1@ulaval.ca, remy.garcia@i3s.unice.fr, charles.prudhomme@imt-atlantique.fr, gael.glorian@gmail.com, susanneheipcke@fico.com, uli.junker@free.fr, nicolas.isoart@gmail.com, michael.maher@reasoning.org.au, pierre-alain.yvars@supmeca.fr, arth.godet@gmail.com, graeme.gange@monash.edu, jfoley@norwichresearch.com, andrea.rendl@gmail.com, alexey.ignatiev@gmail.com, xaviergillard@gmail.com, vincent.gingras.cem@gmail.com, helene.verhaeghe27@gmail.com, mohamedsami.cherif@lis-lab.fr, lazaar@lirmm.fr, lau.sena.gabriel@gmail.com, marciominicz@gmail.com, hanka@fi.muni.cz, alexandre@ensta.fr, france.dacar@ijs.si, Russ.Abbott@gmail.com
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The Association for Constraint Programming invites proposals for organizing the ACP Summer School on Constraint Programming in 2022. Since its establishment, the summer school has been a major success with feedback from student attendees being very positive.
The proposed topic of the school can be on general CP or on a specific research subject. A complete list of ACP summer schools can be found here: http://www.a4cp.org/events/summer-schools
Members of the CP community who are interested in organizing the 2022 Summer School should send a proposal to secretary@a4cp.org by Monday 14th of February 2022, covering the following aspects: - topic of the school - location (and possible co-locations) - dates - organizers - tentative list of speakers - provisional budget
Co-location with related summer schools, such as those organised by SAT or ICAPS, will be viewed favorably.
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