[ACP members] ACP Equity & Inclusion Survey
Bcc: rap-1997@hotmail.com, remy.garcia@i3s.unice.fr, charles.prudhomme@imt-atlantique.fr, gael.glorian@gmail.com, Eric.Monfroy@univ-angers.fr, susanneheipcke@fico.com, uli.junker@free.fr, nicolas.isoart@gmail.com, michael.maher@reasoning.org.au, pierre-alain.yvars@supmeca.fr, arth.godet@gmail.com, jfoley@norwichresearch.com, andrea.rendl@gmail.com, alexey.ignatiev@gmail.com, xaviergillard@gmail.com, vincent.gingras.cem@gmail.com, helene.verhaeghe27@gmail.com, mohamedsami.cherif@lis-lab.fr, lazaar@lirmm.fr, lau.sena.gabriel@gmail.com, hanka@fi.muni.cz, sofranac@zib.de, alexandre@ensta.fr, olivier.bailleux@u-bourgogne.fr, france.dacar@ijs.si, Russ.Abbott@gmail.com, whutton@greenlizardsw.com, andr_9v9@hotmail.com, augustin.delecluse@uclouvain.be, nassim.belmecheri@lirmm.fr
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Hi all,
Following the diversity survey, we have set up another anonymous survey about equity & inclusion in the CP research community that should take 5-10min to fill out.
In this survey we want to understand your experience in the CP research community, and gather ideas and opinions on how to improve it. Your contribution would be very valuable, and the survey will be open until June 30, 2022. Please also share this survey with your (PhD) students. More details are below.
Survey link: [https://forms.gle/VNXKU4ZfQEgsC94s6](https://forms.gle/VNXKU4ZfQEgsC94s6)
Many thanks for your contribution,
Andrea Rendl
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) chair of CP-2022
Background. This anonymous survey is led by the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) chair for CP-2022, Andrea Rendl, in collaboration with the Association for Constraint Programming (ACP) and its executive committee. The objective of the survey is to: 1. Get a better understanding of your experience in the CP community 2. Gather ideas on how we can improve our community culture regarding equity & inclusion 3. Hear your opinions on potential initiatives The results will be shared at CP-22 and on the ACP website.
Equity & Inclusion. Equity is ensuring that access, resources and opportunities are given to all to succeed and grow, especially to those who are underrepresented and have historically been disadvantaged. Inclusion is a culture that is welcoming to all people regardless of race, ethnicity, gender identity, age, abilities, etc, and everyone is valued, respected and able to reach their full potential.
Data processing and handling. Your answers will be collected in a spreadsheet and processed confidentially, i.e. the spreadsheet will be made accessible to (future) DEI chairs and the ACP executive committee. The questions are posed in a way that it is not possible to infer your identity from your answers. The results will be presented at the CP-2022 conference and the ACP website. Any names mentioned in your answers will be removed or anonymised in the spreadsheet to preserve anonymity. By submitting your answers in the survey, you agree to this procedure.
Feedback. If you have feedback about this survey or the DEI initiative, you can submit it anonymously here: [https://forms.gle/jnR9aYFsVCeArGEY9](https://forms.gle/jnR9aYFsVCeArGEY9)
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