[ACP members] Questions for Knuth




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Donald Knuth will answer all your questions during his invited talk at CP (https://cp2022.a4cp.org/invited.html). This will be an opportunity for him to get feedback from you on the current draft of Section of The Art of Computer Programming, which is intended to be a solid introduction to techniques for solving Constraint Satisfaction Problems. You may have a look at the current draft at http://cs.stanford.edu/~knuth/fasc7a.ps.gz. Please note that this draft will hopefully be extended by a dozen or more pages by the time CP begins (the same link will be used). Don also points out that a reward of $2.56 per bug detected will be given to first responders, plus 32 cents per excellent suggestion for improvement.

If you wish to ask a question, please send it by e-mail to christine.solnon@insa-lyon.fr before July 31, 2022. (Questions will be kept secret from Don until the lecture is actually in progress.) The talk will be broadcast live and recorded so that you will have the opportunity to hear Don answering your questions even if you cannot attend CP.

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