[ACP members] ACP Executive Committee Elections
Bcc: alexandre@ensta.fr, olivier.bailleux@u-bourgogne.fr, france.dacar@ijs.si, Russ.Abbott@gmail.com, whutton@greenlizardsw.com, andr_9v9@hotmail.com, augustin.delecluse@uclouvain.be, nassim.belmecheri@lirmm.fr
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Dear ACP Member,
As a member of the Association for Constraint Programming, you are eligible to vote in the 2022 Executive Committee (EC) elections.
We are looking for three new EC members, and there are five candidates. You can find their election statements at
You can vote for between zero and five candidates. We use simple approval voting, the three candidates with the most votes will become members of the EC.
Please take a few minutes, have a look at the election statements, and cast your vote! It's important for the candidates to know that they have the support of the CP community.
The election runs from now until August 26th, 2022, 11:59 pm UTC-12 (i.e., anywhere on Earth). The results will be announced shortly after that deadline.
ACP members should have received an email with instructions on how to vote. If you have not received those instructions, check your SPAM folder. If it is not there, please contact guido.tack@monash.edu.
Best regards,
The ACP EC election committee Tias Guns, David Bergman, and Chris Beck (Chair)
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