2022 Quarterly Report 3 and 4

In this quarterly report 3&4, we provide updates on the ACP Executive Committee, the coming two CP conferences and the ACP Summer School 2023!

1: Executive Committee Update

The ACP held elections last year to replace three outgoing members of the Executive Committee (EC), we thank all members for their participation in the voting.

We as a community greatly thank outgoing EC members Sophie Demassey, Emmanuel Hebrard, and Michele Lombardi for their service to our community. We also would like to thank Maria Garcia de la Banda for her years of service as President, and then as an ex-officio non-voting member of the EC.

The new elected members of the Executive Committee are Gilles Pesant, Ines Lynce, and Hélène Verhaeghe. We are also happy to announce that Nadjib Lazaar will be serving as the Treasurer of the ACP as a non-voting member.

Within the new team, the newly appointed roles of the ACP EC are:

  • President - David Bergman
  • Secretary - Tias Guns
  • Treasurer - Nadjib Lazaar
  • Conference Coordinator - Hélène Verhaeghe
  • Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Delegate - Zeynep Kiziltan

We look forward to continue serving the community, and welcome your input.

2: CP Annual Conference 2023

The 2023 annual conference is planned for August 28 - September 1 2023, in Toronto, Canada.

The Conference Chair is Andre Cire from the University of Toronto, and the Program Chair is Roland Yap from the National University of Singapore. More information can be found at the conference website: https://cp2023.a4cp.org/.

The tentative deadline for abstract submission is April 25, 2023. The tentative deadline for final paper submission is May 1, 2023.

3: CP Annual Conference 2024

The 2024 annual conference is planned for September 2-6, 2024, to take place in... Girona, Spain! The Conference Chairs are Miquel Bofill and Mateu Villaret, both from University of Girona.

4: ACP Summer School 2023

2023 will again feature a dedicated in-person summer school.

The ACP summer school will take place in Leuven, Belgium with as theme "Machine Learning for Constraint Programming".

It will take place 10 July -- 14 july 2023. Speakers will be announced in the coming weeks, and registration will open in March/April, thourgh the website https://school.a4cp.org/summer2023/
