[ACP members] CfP Constraint Programming Conference 2023: Abstract Submission Deadline 27 April AoE
Bcc: stephencurry420420@gmail.com, pierre-alain.yvars@supmeca.fr, jfoley@norwichresearch.com, helene.verhaeghe27@gmail.com, mohamedsami.cherif@lis-lab.fr, lazaar@lirmm.fr, lau.sena.gabriel@gmail.com, becca.gentzel@gmail.com, christopher.coulombe.1@ulaval.ca, hanka@fi.muni.cz, sofranac@zib.de, frederic.lardeux@univ-angers.fr, olivier.bailleux@u-bourgogne.fr, france.dacar@ijs.si, whutton@greenlizardsw.com, andr_9v9@hotmail.com, mondalsubhajit@nitrkl.ac.in, augustin.delecluse@uclouvain.be, nassim.belmecheri@lirmm.fr, alihariti01@gmail.com, sonia.alikhah@the-klu.org, miquel.ramirez@unimelb.edu.au, eloise.prevot.1@ulaval.ca, ruffini.manon@gmail.com
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<p>======================= CP 2023 CALL FOR PAPERS =============================</p>
<p> Twenty-Ninth Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint<br />
Programming CP 2023 (<a href="https://cp2023.a4cp.org">https://cp2023.a4cp.org</a>)</p>
<p> August 27-31, 2023, Toronto, Canada</p>
<p>CP is the premier international event for presenting research in all<br />
aspects of computing with constraints, including, but not restricted to:<br />
theory, algorithms, environments, languages, models, systems,<br />
and applications. CP 2023 will be held in-person in Toronto at the<br />
University of Toronto St. George campus (Downtown), August 27-31, 2023.</p>
<p>It welcomes submissions that advance the state of the art for the<br />
underlying technologies as well as papers that explore the role of<br />
constraint programming within other disciplines such as:<br />
operations research, machine learning, computational sustainability,<br />
and (cyber)security. Alongside submissions on constraint solving,<br />
NP-hard problem solving and constrained optimization in general, we also<br />
encourage and welcome submissions that reach beyond classic constraint<br />
programming concepts, for example: any underlying computational<br />
technique operating on a declarative constraint model, quantum computing<br />
with constraints, etc.</p>
<p>--- Tracks</p>
<p>Besides the main technical track, CP 2023 hosts 4 specialized tracks:</p>
<p> * Applications<br />
* CP and Machine Learning<br />
* CP and Operations Research<br />
* Trustworthy Decision-Making</p>
<p>--- Important Dates</p>
<p> * Abstract registration (except SAT Fast-Track): April 27, 2023<br />
* Full paper submission (except SAT Fast-Track): May 2, 2023<br />
* Author Response Start (except SAT Fast-Track): June 10, 2023<br />
* Author Response Due (except SAT Fast-Track): June 14, 2023<br />
* Final notification: July 3, 2023<br />
* Camera Ready: July 10, 2023<br />
* Conference: August 27-31, 2023</p>
<p>Dates are intended as Anywhere on Earth (AoE).</p>
<p>In addition, a "Fast Track" submission process coordinated with<br />
the SAT 2023 Conference (<a href="http://satisfiability.org/SAT23">http://satisfiability.org/SAT23</a>)<br />
is planned. Papers not accepted to SAT 2023 can be revised<br />
and submitted to CP 2023 with the proviso that the research is also<br />
relevant to the CP conference. More detailed requirements will be<br />
available in due course.</p>
<p> * SAT fast track abstract registration: May 1, 2023<br />
* SAT fast track paper submission: May 17, 2023<br />
* Author Response Start: June 15, 2023<br />
* Author Response Due: June 17, 2023<br />
* Final notification: July 3, 2023<br />
* Camera Ready: July 10, 2023<br />
* Conference: August 27-31, 2023</p>
<p> (Please note that the fast track deadlines differ from the<br />
regular CP submission dates).</p>
<p>--- Submission Instructions</p>
<p>The submission Web page for CP2023 is<br />
<a href="https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=cp2023">https://easychair.org/c…;
<p>Papers should be submitted in the form of a PDF file following LIPIcs<br />
guidelines (<a href="https://submission.dagstuhl.de/series/details/5#author">https://submiss…;).</p>
<p>To open the conference more widely, two types of submissions are expected:</p>
<p> * Full papers, that can use up to 15 pages (references excluded).</p>
<p> * Short papers, that can use a maximum of 8 pages (references excluded).<br />
Short papers cover early results or results that can be adequately<br />
reported in 8 pages. They must nonetheless meet all the expected<br />
quality criteria of a CP paper within the 8-page limit.<br />
Both full and short papers should attract a wide audience and will be<br />
allocated time for presentation during the conference.</p>
<p>Submissions exceeding the page limits or improperly formatted will be<br />
rejected without review.</p>
<p>To facilitate reviewing management, authors who intend to submit a paper<br />
to CP 2023 should submit an abstract with a maximum of 150 words,<br />
summarizing the contribution of the paper by April 27, 2023.<br />
The paper submission must be completed by May 2, 2023.<br />
(For SAT fast track submissions, the abstract and paper submission<br />
deadlines are respectively, May 1 and May 17, 2023).</p>
<p>All papers will go through a double-blind reviewing process, meaning<br />
that authors and reviewers are anonymous to each other. For this reason,<br />
submitted papers should not contain author names, affiliations, or links<br />
to identifying websites. References to own papers should be cited in<br />
such a way so as not to reveal the authorship of the paper.</p>
<p>A given paper must be submitted to one track only. When necessary,<br />
the Program Chair may move a submission to another, more suitable track.</p>
<p>Submitted papers must not appear in, be accepted for, or be under review<br />
for another peer-reviewed conference (with archived conference proceedings)<br />
or journal. Submissions that have appeared at workshops or other meetings and<br />
have not been formally published or have appeared only in highly<br />
shortened form (e.g., abstracts) can be submitted as papers.</p>
<p>--- Proceedings</p>
<p>Accepted papers (in all tracks) will appear in conference proceedings<br />
published by LIPIcs. The proceedings will be available at the time of the<br />
<p>--- Other Information</p>
<p>Questions about the paper submission process may be addressed to the Program<br />
Chair, Roland Yap (<a href="mailto:cp2023@easychair.org">cp2023@easychair.org</a>).</p>
-- <br />
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