[ACP members] ACP Quarterly report 1
Bcc: wallon@cril.fr, michael.maher@reasoning.org.au, stephencurry420420@gmail.com, pierre-alain.yvars@supmeca.fr, jfoley@norwichresearch.com, helene.verhaeghe27@gmail.com, mohamedsami.cherif@lis-lab.fr, lazaar@lirmm.fr, lau.sena.gabriel@gmail.com, becca.gentzel@gmail.com, christopher.coulombe.1@ulaval.ca, hanka@fi.muni.cz, sofranac@zib.de, frederic.lardeux@univ-angers.fr, olivier.bailleux@u-bourgogne.fr, france.dacar@ijs.si, whutton@greenlizardsw.com, andr_9v9@hotmail.com, mondalsubhajit@nitrkl.ac.in, augustin.delecluse@uclouvain.be, nassim.belmecheri@lirmm.fr, alihariti01@gmail.com, sonia.alikhah@the-klu.org, miquel.ramirez@unimelb.edu.au, eloise.prevot.1@ulaval.ca, daan.vansteenhuyse@student.kuleuven.be, ruffini.manon@gmail.com
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Dear ACP members,
The ACP Executive Committee is happy to share the first quarterly report of 2023.
Let this also be a friendly reminder to:
The 3 ACP awards that are currently open (deadline: 10 June)
the ACP summer school on "Machine Learning for Constraint Programming", in Leuven, Belgium from 10 July to 14 July (registration still open)
And the quarterly report also contains information on the CP2023 conference and a MOOC on Constraint Programming and MiniCP
Kind regards, Tias Guns, Secretary of the ACP Executive Committee
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