Volume 9, Number 1, April 2013

Constraint Programming News

Jimmy Lee (events, career news)
Eric Monfroy (profiles, publications)
Toby Walsh (news, reports)


  • news: ACP EC Report, other news
  • journals: Constraints Journal, Special issues
  • publications: thesis, software
  • events: forthcoming conferences and workshops




This is a short summary of activities within the ACP during the months January-March 2013.

The 2013 ACP Executive Committee comprises the following people, in alphabetical order. The committee has held internal elections for the different offices: Helmut Simonis was elected to be the new president of the ACP. The other officers are identified below:

  • Yves Deville
  • Pierre Flener - Conference Coordinator (after CP 2013)
  • Willem-Jan van Hoeve - Secretary
  • Barry O'Sullivan (ex-officio, non-voting)
  • Thomas Schiex - Treasurer
  • Helmut Simonis - President
  • Guido Tack
  • Roland Yap

The ACP Executive Committee welcomes feedback and suggestions from the ACP community. We encourage you to engage with the ACP-EC to help design new initiatives that promote constraint programming.

The term of the following members of the ACP Executive Committee ended in December 2012:

  • John Hooker
  • Barry O'Sullivan
  • Peter Stuckey

Many thanks for their work for the community and their help in running the association. Barry O'Sullivan will continue on as past president member of the executive committee.

Also coming to an end of his appointment is past Secretary Jimmy H.M. Lee, who has helped running the Association for many years. His position will be taken up by Willem-Jan van Hoeve. Pierre Flener will, after CP2013, take up the currently vacant position of Conference Coordinator.

ACP.1. ACP Summer School 2013

The 2013 ACP Summer School took place on the 6th-11th of January 2013 in ANU's Kioloa Costal Campus (Kioloa, New South Wales, Australia). The chair of the Summer School was Toby Walsh, working with a local arrangements committee comprising Phil Kilby, Peter Stuckey, Abdul Sattar, Sylvie Thiebaux, Pascal Van Hentenryck, and Mark Wallace. The School was organized by the Optimisation Research Group at NICTA, its theme was solving large scale combinatorial optimisation problems in practice. By all accounts, this was a very successful summer school, the ACP would like to thank Toby and his team for their efforts.

ACP.2. CP 2013 Conference

The CP 2013 conference will be held in Uppsala, Sweden. The Conference Chairs for the conference will be Mats Carlsson, Pierre Flener, and Justin Pearson. The Program Chair is Christian Schulte (KTH, Sweden). Details of the conference can be found at: http://cp2013.a4cp.org

ACP.3. Next Annual Meeting

The next annual meeting of the ACP will be held during the CP2013 conference. Details of times and topics to follow. If you want to propose topics for discussion, please contact the ACP Secretary at secretary@a4cp.org.

ACP.4. Call for Nominations: ACP Research Excellence Award 2013.

The Executive Committee of the ACP invites nominations for the 2013 ACP award for Research Excellence in Constraint Programming, which will be presented at CP 2013 in Uppsala, Sweden, in September 2013. The purpose of this award is to celebrate those CP researchers who have made exceptional and very influential research contributions to CP with their work.

The award recipient will give a plenary talk at CP 2013. The costs for his/her participation to the conference will be covered by the ACP. Past winners of this award can be found at: http://4c.ucc.ie/a4cp/awards/research-excellence-award

Nominations for the research excellence award are due June 15, 2013.

ACP.5. Call for Nominations: for the ACP Doctoral Research Award 2013.

The Executive Committee of the ACP invites nominations for the 2013 ACP Doctoral Research Award, which will be presented at CP 2013 in Uppsala, Sweden. The ACP Doctoral Research Award is awarded every year to a promising young researcher working in the area of constraint programming and who defended his/her thesis between January and December in the last two calendar years. Past winners of this award can be found at: http://www.4c.ucc.ie/a4cp/awards/doctoral-research-award

Nominations for the doctoral research award are due June 1st, 2013.

ACP.6. Expressions of Interest in Hosting of CP 2014 and CP 2015

The ACP likes to plan CP conferences two years in advance. We are therefore interested in hearing expressions of interest from those who are considering hosting the conference in 2014 and 2015. A formal call for proposals is appended below.

Proposals to host the CP conference are due June 1st, 2013.

ACP.7. Website outage

The website of the ACP http://a4cp.org was offline for several weeks at the beginning of the year. This was caused by a hard-disk crash during migration of the server, followed by the discovery of an attack on the website, requiring time-consuming auditing of the installed content. Many thanks to the 4C volunteers, especially Peter MacHale and David Devlin, for helping with this difficult problem.


We invite proposals to host the 20th and 21th International Conferences on the Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (CP-2014|5). Proposals are due on or before June 1st, 2013. These proposals will be evaluated by the Executive Committee of the Association for Constraint Programming and a decision made for the sites shortly afterwards.

The CP conferences are the premier international conferences on constraint programming. They have been held annually since 1995. CP 2013 will be held in Uppsala, Sweden. Previous CP conference have been held in Quebec City (Canada), Perugia (Italy), St. Andrews (Scotland), Lisbon (Portugal), Sydney (AUS), Providence RI (USA), Nantes (France), Sitges (Spain), Toronto (Canada), Kinsale (Ireland), Cornell (USA), Paphos (Cyprus), Singapore, Alexandria (USA), Pisa (Italy), Schloss Hagenberg (Austria), Cambridge (USA), and Cassis (France).

Proposals should be up to two pages of plain text and should address the following numbered topics:

  1. Proposal for conference chair(s).
  2. Local CP community support.
  3. University, government and industry support, especially financial.
  4. Proposed dates, and flexibility around these dates.
  5. Co-located events that might be held alongside CP.
  6. Conference and exhibition facilities (CP typically attracts around 200 delegates).
  7. Accommodation and food services.
  8. Site accessibility, attractiveness, and desirability.
  9. Previous experience in running conferences and workshops.
  10. Provisional budget.

If available, please include URLs to any additional information (e.g. web site for the conference venue or hotel).

Guidelines for the CP conference organization, as well as the duties of the conference chair(s), can be found on the ACP web site: http://4c110.ucc.ie/a4cp/events/conference-organisation-policy

Proposals should be sent to the secretary of the Association for Constraint Programming committee preferably by email to secretary@a4cp.org. In preparing a proposal, please feel free to address questions (e.g. regarding the suitability of the proposed dates) to the same address, or to any member of the ACP Executive Committee.



The Executive Committee of the ACP invites nominations for the 2013 ACP award for Research Excellence in Constraint Programming, which will be presented at CP 2013 in Uppsala, Sweden, in September 2013. The purpose of this award is to celebrate those CP researchers who have made exceptional and very influential research contributions to CP with their work. For a list of previous awardees, see: http://4c110.ucc.ie/a4cp/awards/research-excellence-award The award recipient will give a plenary talk at CP 2013. The costs for his/her participation to the conference will be covered by the ACP.


Nominations for this award are invited from members of the ACP.


A nomination package consists of a nomination form from one nominator, and reference forms from at least 2 references.

Typically, a nominator is somebody who knows the nominee very well, and locates the references, ensuring that they do their parts in time to produce a convincing nomination package. Ideally, a reference is a well known member of the CP community who has never had a very close relationship with the nominee, but who can speak with authority for him or her.

Nominations and reference forms should follow the form below and should be sent (nomination forms by the nominators, and reference forms by references) by email to secretary@a4cp.org. The textual part of this forms should be a statement of why the nominee deserves the award. The Award Committee is looking for evidence that the nominee has generated some of the most important and influential work in the field. Effective letters will therefore emphasize what the nominee has done and why it matters.


The nomination package must arrive at the above address by June 15, 2013. We cannot accept anything received after that date. We will acknowledge receipt of nominations. The decision will be available by mid July.


Every year, an Award Commmittee will decide the award recipient among the nominees, and will include: the president and secretary of the ACP-EC, two previous award receipients, and the program chair of the CP conference where the award will be given.

Members of the award committee cannot be candidates, nor can they support a candidate by being a nominator or a reference.

Enquiries concerning nominations should be directed to the ACP EC Secretary at the address secretary@a4cp.org. More information about the ACP can be found at the ACP web site.

_____________________________ Nomination Form _______________________________


Please answer, as completely as possible, Questions 1 to 9 by editing this form directly, and email to secretary@a4cp.org. The email submission must be in plain text (ASCII) and the answer to Question 9 must be limited to 300 words. Regarding Question 9, it is important to show evidence that the nominee has generated some of the most important and influential work in the CP field. Effective letters will therefore emphasize what the nominee has done and why it matters.

The information on this form is confidential. Neither the candidate nor the references will be informed of the views you express.

  1. Nominator's Name and Affiliation (first, middle, last; address; telephone; fax; and email address)
  2. References (list at least 2 people who will submit the reference forms)
  3. Candidate's Name and Affiliation (first, middle, last; address; telephone; fax; email address; and webpage)
  4. Candidate's Education (highest degree received, field, institution, date)
  5. Record of Professional Experience (list of principal positions held and dates; please briefly describe primary responsibilities for each position)
  6. Professional Recognition (honors, awards, prizes)
  7. Contributions of Record (list 5-10 significant publications, patents, or other contributions)
  8. Noteworthy Public Services (boards, committees, etc)
  9. Please describe, in 300 words or less, the accomplishments of the candidate that, in your opinion, qualify him/her for the ACP award for Research Excellence in Constraint Programming.

Answers to the following questions will assist in the evaluation process:

  • Which specific accomplishments made by the candidate merit the Award?
  • Where does the candidate stand in comparison to other scientists in the field of CP?
  • What impacts have the contributions of the candidate had on other fields (AI, OR, computer science, etc.), or on society?
  • If some of the candidate's contributions involved a team effort, what specifically were the candidate's contributions?

_____________________________ Reference Form _______________________________


Please answer, as completely as possible, Questions 1 to 5 by editing this form directly, and email to secretary@a4cp.org.

The email submission must be in plain text (ASCII) and the answer to Question 5 must be limited to 300 words. Regarding Question 5, it is important to show evidence that the nominee has generated some of the most important and influential work in the CP field. Effective letters will, therefore, emphasize what the nominee has done and why it matters.

The information on this form is confidential. Neither the candidate nor the nominator will be informed of the views you express.

  1. Reference's Name and Affiliation (first, middle, last; address; telephone; fax; and email address)
  2. Nominator's Name
  3. Candidate's Name
  4. A reference is required to have been at "arm's length" from the candidate for the past 6 years, which here means being at a different institution from, not having supervised or been supervised by, and not having done joint work with the candidate. Please declare here any association you have ever had with the candidate.
  5. Please describe, in 300 words or less, the accomplishments of the candidate that, in your opinion, qualify him/her for the ACP award for Research Excellence in Constraint Programming.

Answers to the following questions will assist in the evaluation process:

  • Which specific accomplishments made by the candidate merit the Award?
  • Where does the candidate stand in comparison to other scientists in the field of Constraint Programming?
  • What impacts have the contributions of the candidate had on other fields (AI, OR, computer science, etc), or on society?
  • If some of the candidate's contributions involved a team effort, what specifically were the candidate's contributions?

CALL FOR NOMINATIONS FOR THE Association for Constraint Programming DOCTORAL RESEARCH AWARD 2013


The ACP Doctoral Research Award will be awarded every year to a promising young researcher working in the area of constraint programming and who defended his/her thesis between January and December in the last two calendar years. The award, in the form of a certificate, will be presented at the CP 2013 conference, where the winning researcher will present a talk on the topic of his/her doctoral dissertation. The award includes a cash prize of 500 euros and covers registration for the conference.

Past winners of this award can be found at: http://www.4c.ucc.ie/a4cp/awards/doctoral-research-award


Eligible doctoral researchers are those who defended their doctoral thesis between January 1, 2011 and December 31st 2012 in the area of constraint programming. The researcher must be a current member of the Association for Constraint Programming.


Nominations must be made by the thesis supervisor, who is responsible for ensuring that the following items are submitted to the secretary of the ACP at secretary@a4cp.org.

A URL to a zip-file containing the following items:

  • A PDF version of the dissertation. No specific language for the dissertation is imposed;
  • A PDF of an extended abstract of the doctoral dissertation, 3-5 pages in length, written in English;
  • PDF versions of each of up to five papers published at international peer-reviewed conferences or journals based on the work reported in the doctoral dissertation;
  • A PDF description, and pointer to, any software or systems developed during the research;
  • A PDF version of a nomination letter from the supervisor of the research.

In addition to the supervisor's nomination letter, two additional letters should be forwarded directly to the secretary of the ACP from two referees, selected by the dissertation supervisor, supporting the submission and stating their assessment of why the thesis should win the award. These letters will not be shown to the research supervisor or the candidate.


Deadline for nominations: 1st June 2013

Notification: 1 August 2013


The selection of the winning candidate is based on the originality, impact, and quality of the research work. The evaluation will consider all contributions to the CP community, including publications, software and systems.

The work of the candidates will be reviewed by a committee of researchers selected by the ACP Executive Committee, based on the nominations received.



Latest Issue: Volume 18, Number 2 / April 2013

Special Issue on Constraint Modelling and Reformulation

Introduction to the special issue on constraint modelling and reformulation Andrea Rendl, J. Christopher Beck

Formulating the template ILP consistency problem as a constraint satisfaction problem Roman Barták, Radomír Černoch, Ondřej Kuzelka, Filip Zelezný

Using dual presolving reductions to reformulate cumulative constraints Stefan Heinz, Jens Schulz, J. Christopher Beck

Reformulation based MaxSAT robustness Miquel Bofill, Dídac Busquets, Víctor Muñoz, Mateu Villaret

Solving weighted CSPs with meta-constraints by reformulation into satisfiability modulo theories Carlos Ansótegui, Miquel Bofill, Miquel Palahí, Josep Suy, Mateu Villaret

Search combinators Tom Schrijvers, Guido Tack, Pieter Wuille, Horst Samulowitz, Peter J. Stuckey

The list of all papers can be found at http://link.springer.com/journal/volumesAndIssues/10601

Publications, Software

GECODE 4.0.0 released ...

Gecode 4.0.0 has been released on March 14th, 2013. This release adds a multitude of new features, fixes many bugs, and offers a number of performance improvements. There are too many major improvements to even summarize them here all, so here are just some highlights: LDSB as automatic symmetry breaking during search; restart-based search; complete redesign and reimplementation of branching enhancing the expressiveness massively (AFC with decay, activity, user-defined variable and value selection, tie-break control, better randomization, ...); half-reification; addition of floating point constraints.



The MiniZinc Challenge 2013

The aim of the MiniZinc Challenge is to start to compare various constraint solving technology on the same problems sets. The focus is on finite domain propagation solvers. An auxiliary aim is to build up a library of interesting problem models, which can be used to compare solvers and solving technologies.

Entrants to the challenge provide a FlatZinc solver and global constraint definitions specialized for their solver. Each solver is run on 100 MiniZinc model instances. We run the translator mzn2fzn on the MiniZinc model and instance using the provided global constraint definitions to create a FlatZinc file. The FlatZinc file is input to the provided solver. Points are awarded for solving problems, speed of solution, and goodness of solutions (for optimization problems).

Registration opens: Wed, 1 May 2013.

Problem submission deadline: Fri, 14 June 2013.

Initial submission round begins: Mon, 1 July 2013.

Initial submission round ends: Fri, 19 July 2013.

Final submissions: Fri, 2 August 2013.

Announcement of results at CP2013: 17 - 20 September 2013.

For details of the competition see:


Note that the scoring system has slightly changed this year, so that solvers that obtain indistiguishable results in quality of solution split the points inversely proportional to the time taken

To register for the challenge please email


The International SAT Solver Competition 2013 (SAT Competition 2013)

*** For details, please visit ***


The SAT Competition 2013 is a competitive event for solvers for the Boolean Satisfiability (SAT) problem. It is organized as a satellite event to the 16th International Conference on Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing (SAT 2013) and stands in the tradition of the SAT Competitions that have been held yearly from 2002 to 2005 and biannually starting from 2007, the SAT-Races held in 2006, 2008 and 2010, and the SAT Challenge 2012. The emphasis of SAT Competition 2013 is on evaluation of core solvers. Additionally, the UNSAT tracks of the competition will require certification.

This call is to invite and encourage submissions of SAT solvers, benchmarks and benchmark generators for SAT Competition 2013 tracks, listed below:

  1. Core solvers, Sequential, Application SAT track.
  2. Core solvers, Sequential, Application certified UNSAT track.
  3. Core solvers, Sequential, Application SAT+UNSAT track.
  4. Core solvers, Sequential, Hard-combinatorial SAT track.
  5. Core solvers, Sequential, Hard-combinatorial certified UNSAT track.
  6. Core solvers, Sequential, Hard-combinatorial SAT+UNSAT track.
  7. Core solvers, Sequential, Random SAT track.
  8. Core solvers, Sequential, Random certified UNSAT track.
  9. Core solvers, Sequential, Random SAT+UNSAT track.
  10. Core solvers, Parallel, Application SAT+UNSAT Track.
  11. Core solvers, Parallel, Hard-combinatorial SAT+UNSAT Track
  12. Core solvers, Parallel, Random SAT Track
  13. "Open track": Any type of solver, Parallel, 1/3Application + 1/3Hard-Combinatorial + 1/3Random (SAT+UNSAT) track.
  14. Core solvers, Sequential, MiniSAT Hack-track, Application SAT+UNSAT track.

For details about the tracks and the rules visit the competition’s website.

SCHEDULE (subject to minor changes):

April 02 - 12, 2013: Solver and testing period for organizers

April 12, 2013: Final version along with MD5 hash of organizers solvers

April 12, 2013: Solver registration and testing period opens

April 12, 2013: Benchmarks and generators submission opens

April 22, 2013: Final versions of registered solvers due

April 22, 2013: Benchmarks and generators submission closes

April 22 - June 12: Execution of the competition

June 12 - June 22: Checking of the results by the participants

Around July 9-12, 2013: Announcement of results at the SAT 2013 conference


Adrian Balint, Ulm University , Germany

Anton Belov, University College Dublin, Ireland

Marijn Heule, The University of Texas at Austin, USA

Matti Jarvisalo, University of Helsinki, Finland

Technical Assistants:

Daniel Diepold, Ulm University, Germany

Simon Gerber, Ulm University, Germany


Youssef Hamadi, Microsoft Research, UK

Karem Sakallah, University of Michigan, USA

Roberto Sebastiani, University of Trento, Italy


web: http://satcompetition.org/2013/

email: organizers@satcompetition.org

For questions regarding the execution environment (both hardware and software): email: edacc.contact@gmail.com


CPAIOR 2013, Tenth International Conference on Integration of Artificial Intelligence and Operations Research Techniques in Constraint Programming, MAY 18 - 22, 2013, IBM Research, Yorktown Heights, NY, USA. http://www.cis.cornell.edu/ics/cpaior2013/

2013 Workshop on Parallel Methods for Combinatorial Search & Optimization, May 18-19, 2013, IBM Research, Yorktown Heights, NY, USA.

ICCI 2013, The International Conference on Computational Intelligence, May 22-23, 2013, Berlin, Germany. http://www.waset.org/conferences/2013/berlin/icci/

FLAIRS 2013, 26th International Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference, May 22 - 24, 2013, St. Pete Beach, Florida, USA. http://www.flairs-26.info/

10th ESWC 2013 -- Semantics and Big Data, May 26-30, 2013. Montpellier, France. http://2013.eswc-conferences.org/

ICAISC 2013, 12th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing, June 9-13, 2013, Zakopane, Poland. http://icaisc.eu/

ICAPS 2013, 23rd International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling, June 10th - 14th, 2013, Rome, Italy. http://icaps13.istc.cnr.it/

Special Journal Presentation Track@ICAPS 2013, 23rd International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling, June 10th - 14th, 2013, Rome, Italy. http://icaps13.istc.cnr.it/?page_id=486

Special Track on Novel Applications@ICAPS 2013, 23rd International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling, June 10th - 14th, 2013, Rome, Italy. http://icaps13.istc.cnr.it/

COPLAS 2013, Workshop on Constraint Satisfaction Techniques for Planning and Scheduling Problems, June 11, 2013, Rome, Italy. http://icaps13.icaps-conference.org/workshops/coplas/

HSDIP 2013, Workshop on Heuristics and Search for Domain-Independent Planning, June 10, 2013, Rome, Italy. Paper submission deadline: April 4, 2013. http://icaps13.icaps-conference.org/workshops/hsdip

EURO 2013, 26th European Conference on Operational Research, July 1-4, 2013, Rome, Italy. http://euro2013.org/

ACAI 2013, International Conference on Advances in Computing & Artificial Intelligence, July 4 -5, 2013, Punjab, India. http://acai.chitkara.edu.in/index.html

GECCO-2013, 2013 GENETIC AND EVOLUTIONARY COMPUTATION CONFERENCE, Evolutionary Combinatorial Optimization and Metaheuristics (ECOM) Track, July 06-10, 2013, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. http://www.sigevo.org/gecco-2013

SAT 2013, 16th International Conference on Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing, July 8-12, 2013 Helsinki, Finland. http://sat2013.cs.helsinki.fi/

SARA 2013, 10th Symposium on Abstraction, Reformulation, and Approximation, July 11-12, 2013, Sleeping Lady Mountain Resort, Leavenworth, Washington, USA. Abstract submission deadline: Apr 12, 2013. Paper submission deadline: Apr 19, 2013. http://www.scm.tees.ac.uk/p.gregory/sara2013/

SoCS 2013, 6th International Symposium on Combinatorial Search, July 11-13, 2013 Leavenworth, WA, USA. Abstract submission deadline: April 4, 2013. Paper submission deadline: April 11, 2013. http://socs13.search-conference.org/

AAAI 2013, The Twenty-Seventh AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, July 14 - 18, 2013, Bellevue, Washington, USA. http://www.aaai.org/Conferences/AAAI/aaai13.php

CoCoMiLe 2013, Second workshop on COmbining COnstraint solving with MIning and LEarning, July 14-15, 2013, Bellevue, Washington, USA. Submission deadline: Apr 3, 2013. http://4c.ucc.ie/cocomile/

SCHEALS 2013, (in conjunction with ICAOR 2013) Scheduling in Healthcare Systems, July 29-31, 2013, Lisbon, Portugal. http://www.tadbir.ca/icaor/scheals.htm

IJCAI 2013, 23rd International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, August 3-9, 2013, Beijing, China. http://ijcai13.org/

MIC 2013, (Track on Metaheuristics and Optimization/Constraint Programming) 10th Metaheuristics International Conference, August 5-8, 2013, Singapore. http://www2.sis.smu.edu.sg/mic2013/

MISTA 2013, 6th Multidisciplinary International Scheduling Conference, August 27-30, 2013, Gent, Belgium. http://www.schedulingconference.org/

LPNMR 2013, 12th International Conference on Logic Programming and Nonmonotonic Reasoning, September 15-19, 2013, Corunna, Spain. http://lpnmr2013.udc.es/

PPDP 2013, (co-located with LOPSTR 2013) 15th International Symposium on Principles and Practice of Declarative Programming, September 16-18, 2013, Madrid, Spain. Abstract Submission: May 27, 2013. Paper submission: May 30, 2013. http://users.ugent.be/~tschrijv/PPDP2013/

CP 2013, The 19th International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming, September 16-20, 2013 Uppsala, Sweden. Abstract submission deadline: Apr 17, 2013. Paper submission deadline: Apr 22, 2013. Tutorial Proposal submission deadline: May 13, 2013. Doctoral Program submission deadline: Jun 25, 2013. http://cp2013.a4cp.org

FroCoS 2013, 9th International Symposium on Frontiers of Combining Systems Nancy, France, September 18-20, 2013. Submission Deadlines: 15 Apr 2013 (Abs.), 22 Apr 2013 (Paper). http://frocos2013.loria.fr/