Volume 9, Number 2, July 2013
Constraint Programming News
volume 9, number 2, July, 2013
Guido Tack
Due to ongoing reorganisation of CP News, this issue only contains the ACP EC Report.
This is a short summary of activities within the ACP during the months April-June 2013.
The 2013 ACP Executive Committee comprises the following people, in alphabetical order.
- Yves Deville
- Pierre Flener - Conference Coordinator (after CP 2013)
- Willem-Jan van Hoeve - Secretary
- Barry O'Sullivan (ex-officio, non-voting)
- Thomas Schiex - Treasurer
- Helmut Simonis - President
- Guido Tack
- Roland Yap
The ACP Executive Committee welcomes feedback and suggestions from the ACP community. We encourage you to engage with the ACP-EC to help design new initiatives that promote constraint programming.
ACP.1. CP 2014 Conference
The CP 2014 conference will be held in Lyon, France. The Conference Chairs will be Yves Deville (Universite catholique Louvain, Belgium) and Christine Solnon (LIRIS / INSA Lyon / University Lyon 1 / CNRS, France).
ACP.2. CP 2013 Senior Program Committee
The ACP Executive Committee received a request for supporting the Senior Program Committee (SPC) for the CP 2013 conference. The SPC will meet June 8/9 in Stockholm, and the support would be restricted to lodging. Since the SPC members are doing a valuable service to the community, investing their time and travel funds for the physical meeting in Stockholm, the the ACP Executive Committee decided to honor this request. However, the ACP EC requested that participants are first asked to support themselves if possible, and are given the option to receive compensation from the ACP. The estimated amount of compensation is approximately EUR 3500.
ACP.3. Award Committees
The ACP Executive Committee has established committees for the ACP Award for Research Excellence in CP, and the Doctoral Research Award.
Following the bylaws, the committee for the Research Excellence Award consist of two former Research Excellence Award winners (Alan Mackworth, Patrick Prosser), the Program chair of this year's CP conference (Christian Schulte), the current ACP President (Helmut Simonis), and ACP Secretary (Willem-Jan van Hoeve). The committee for the Doctoral Research Award consists of Gilles Pesant, Willem-Jan van Hoeve, and Mark Wallace.