ACM SIGAI Career Network Conference
January 26, 2015 Austin, TX, USA
ACM’s Special Interest Group in AI (SIGAI) announces the launch of the SIGAI Career Network Conference (SIGAI CNC), a meeting that supports early-career scientists in their transition to independent research in academia, industry, or government. CNC includes:
- Research presentations from early career researchers to potential mentors and employers
- A career fair that showcases diverse career opportunities in academia, government, and industry
- Mentoring opportunities in small groups
- Brokered events that match researcher interests with career paths and potential employers
More details will be available at the conference web site:
Important Dates
October 6, 2014: Submissions due
November 15, 2014: Notifications sent
January 26, 2015: SIGAI CNC in Austin, TX
Call for scholarly research abstracts
Research abstracts should describe the main thrust of graduate thesis research, rather than focus on a single paper. Reference your publications and working papers, and put the research in context for a broad AI audience. Applicants should be either postdocs who completed their Ph.Ds. in AI since 2010 or students who will defend in 2015.
Submissions should include:
- An abstract of up to four pages
- An up-to-date academic CV
- A letter of recommendation from your Ph.D. or postdoctoral advisor
Selected submissions will be invited for oral presentation, and some others will be selected for poster presentation.
Call for job opening presentations
Organizations (academic, government, industry) who seek to hire AI researchers may apply to advertise specific job openings and career paths at their institution. Selected organizations will also be invited to give a lightning talk at the conference. Booths will be available for organizations to advertise and interact with conference participants.
Call for participation
We encourage anyone who wants to learn about research at the cutting edge of AI, as well as representatives of academic departments, companies, government agencies, and others interested in recruiting Ph.D. level researchers, to join us at CNC. Our collocation with AAAI makes this meeting both economical and convenient.
Applications for travel support
SIGAI will provide travel support for a significant number of scholarly research presenters. Requests for travel support should be included with the research abstract submission.
Sponsorship program
Sponsorship opportunities include conference networking events and student travel.